who I am

Sujan Alessio Pinelli


I have been interested in techniques and disciplines involving body parts for several years as integral to the growth and awareness. Some of these are Bioenergetics, Theatertherapy, meditation and Shiatsu. I have been trained at AGILOC Shiatsu School in Ferrara. I also graduated in Anthropological Sciences, in Social and Cultural Educator, in Theatertherapy with expressive-bioenergetic orientation, and graduating in Expressive-Bioenergetic Counseling. all of these paths are aimed to support the person and between them play an integrating role with respect to the process. However, I remain in constant training and periodically follow personal growth paths.


I practice Shiatsu because when I get treatment immediately feel that something begins to change.  And so it is when I offer it.

I believe that to grow we need a holistic approach, which also involves the body as well as mind.

The key issue is to embrace and to welcome a possibility to change.